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Private Facebook Group for Patrons

What is Patreon?

 Patreon is a membership platform that provides business tools for content creators to run a subscription service. It helps creators and artists earn a monthly income for the content they create for their viewers. 

Why am I doing Patreon?

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Join my Patreon!

Patreon for me is a tip jar for the free Youtube tutorials that I offer to help anyone learn techniques for wire weaving. I also offer my unique jewelry designs for everyone to use and/or sell as they please! 


Your donations help!

Every little bit helps! Make a one time donation or subscribe for as little as $2/month. You will be helping to support my free tutorials I offer on Youtube!


Learn wire weaving techniques.


My unique designs are yours to use and/or sell as you please! 

Sign up to receive updates, exclusive offers, sneak peeks and more!

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The Siren and The Pirate, Arizona, United States
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