Hey so I’ve decided to make a couple categories for this blog. My first two posts were focused on the story of how I up and moved from the Midwest of the U.S.A to a small island in the Atlantic. That story has not yet been completed. I will continue with that tale in the “my story” category and will also start another category called “what’s happening now” so whilst I tell my epic tale (which might take a little time to get through) I can keep you up to speed with what’s going on now with me and Mau (my husband).
Here’s how this is going to go down. I’m going to give you the dreaded “in a nutshell” story. Which is a disservice to my tale and to you, but necessary for some background.
Here we go....
The Nutshell
In 2016 I quit my job for a new job (that I didn’t actually have but thought I did) This job could potentially take me around the world or at least to some beach paradise where I might enjoy the occasional piña colada delivered by some beautiful exotic man. I believe the term “dream job” came up often when describing the position. I spent months preparing for the move by selling off everything that I owned and jumping into my broken car (that I was warned may not make the trip) and with 2,000 dollars (evidently all my belongings didn’t have a very good return) I drove across the country to Arizona to, GET THIS...after a decade of being on my own...I moved back in with my mother. All this in the hopes that I would get a call a few months later that I did in fact have this job and would be placed at a resort and start my new life as a G.O with Club Med. It had all the potential to go wonderfully right or horribly wrong...
Luckily for me fortune was on my side. My car made the grueling trip, but decided to promptly blow up as soon as I reached my destination. A couple months later just when I thought all hope was lost on my dream job I got the call. I was placed at Club Med Turkoise in the Turks and Caicos Islands as the fitness instructor for the resort. (Yeah, I had to look up Turks and Caicos- obviously I was sick that day in Geography class) 5 days later I’m arriving at my destination, two months later I’m in a relationship with the man that I would eventually marry and a year later we are opening a boutique and I have bippity boppity booped into a whole new career.
1 year after Club Med G.O life....
My husband (Mau) and myself started a very very small boutique called "La Petite Turkoise" in Club Med Turkoise. We started with a few local artists and for two years we grew the business and I started to explore my talents as a jewelry maker. I would use mainly shells from the beach, sea glass, wire and other easy to get a hold of components. I just played. And the more I played the more I learned until one day I was creating some really nice things. *side note- You can even take a look at my Instagram feed @thesirenandthepirate and follow my 2-3 year progression.
I really fell in love with wire weaving in 2017 and it has become my main focus. I named my jewelry line The Siren & The Pirate because it gave me a lot of inspiration and story telling potential to guide my creations. I've taken the colors I imagine in my Siren and Pirate stories, the elements from their surroundings, shapes that encompass both the masculine and feminine energies, and added in the storytelling, adventure and symbolism that appeals to the boundlessness within us we are searching for.
At the end of 2018 our very petite boutique was upgraded to a larger space in the Club Med Resort and we have been hard at work the last 3 months creating our new boutique which we also named "The Siren & The Pirate". Most people assume I'm the Siren and Mau is the Pirate. Which was not the inspiration behind the name, but hey, if you find it romantic you can think it if you want. If I'm the Siren and he's the Pirate then I lure you into the store and Mau robs you. Awwww :)
Anyways I think that gives you enough background for this present day timeline. Next time I hope to share with you some projects that we have going on and our travel destinations for 2019! We've got a good one this year!
Take care everyone!
I got my piña colada....from a beautiful exotic man.....on the most beautiful beach in the world.
Kelley, this so reminds me of the start of my journey... Selling everything... And starting my new totally unknown life with 4000 Deutsch Mark, a duffle bag, a sewing machine and a one way ticket to India.... This is 36 years later and we meet on this tiny spec of sand in the Caribbean... Life is magical